Monday, April 17, 2006

Easter Love...

My daughters were gone for Easter yesterday. The older one was in Palm Springs with her best friend and the little one spent the weekend at her dad's house. So it was just me and I missed them so much! I went to my friend Michelle's house for brunch, which ended up lasting longer than any brunch I've ever been to, but we had a great day! Then I went to church with my mom and made her dinner.
Being a single woman amongst a world full of married friends is interesting. There's always some time during every holiday where my girls are at their dad's, so my closest friends get on this little network where they feel like they have to make sure I have plans. It makes me feel slightly pathetic but I absolutely love them for it! I can hear the conversation calls up another and says, "Hey, take Steph for Easter this year, I took her for Christmas." I know they really want me there and always try to talk me into staying longer. I love them so much for caring about my holidays, and sharing theirs with me.
While I was finishing up brunch, I checked my cell phone and saw that each of my daughters had texted me. Yup, me...the non texter - who just about broke down when I saw the text messages from my lovely little girls on Easter. My older daughter is now 15 (yes, her birthday came and went about two weeks ago and I'm officially old!) and she is my sweetie, but definitely as self-centered as a 15 year old girl can be right now. But she took the time out of her day to send me and her sister a text. This is what it said..."Happy Easter!! Love you guys!! I'll call you later :)" And just when I start feeling all warm and fuzzy, I read on..."Oh and mom can i possibly go to the movies tom night? we're coming home tom morning. <3" Yup - that's my girl! And her sister responded with..."Hi! Happy Easter! I love u!"
I can't tell you how incredibly happy it made me to know that both of my daughters thought of me and each other on a holiday apart. There are so many female hormones flying around my house with the three of us, a female dog and a female cat, that you'd think we would all pull each other's hair out (yeah, we've come close), but what a lucky mom I am that there's also so much love.


John said...

I know you already know this but, you three are SO VERY BLESSED to have each other!! I think it's a testament to your parenting skills that even your 'self-centered as a 15 year old can be' daughter has the loving sense that she has. Hormones or not, I think what the three of you have is remarkable and enviable. Great job Steph.

Oh, and by the way, my baby turns 19 this week...OUCH! (dang! I said that so loud my hearing aid is whistling at me :)

Anonymous said...

you are a very lucky mom to have two such beautiful daughters. and they are equally as lucky to have a wonderful mother.

Barry said...

It is funny how sometimes things we don't like (like text messages for you) end up bringing us the brightest blessings! Happy post Easter

Jenni said...

It's good to know you have two great girls to spend your life with!