Friday, October 13, 2006

Irrefutable Signs That I Have Become My Mother...

1. The sheer number of fast food napkins in the glove box of my car, "just in case."
2. The way my daughters complain that I speak like this, "I think we should go was the question?"
3. My brand new Spode Christmas Dinnerware, service for 8.
4. How I walk out of Big Lots with my girls (CA's equivalent to the 99 cent store), and say to them, "Don't touch your eyes!"
5. The fact that I use a variation of the, "Because I said so" response, only mine sounds more like, "Because I AM the boss of you!"
6. The number of tupperware lids I have in my cupboard that have no actual tupperware to cover.
7. My inability to throw away a perfectly good ziplock baggie if it can be reused.
8. The fact that I have bottles of salad dressing in my refridgerator that pre-date the millennium.
9. The way I walked into my 15 year old's bedroom the other night and whined, "I only saw you for five minutes today. We never spend any time together anymore!" Wha,wha,wha...
10. My inability to purchase something spontaneous for my kids because in the back of my mind I'm really thinking, "I think I have a coupon for that..."

...And these are just the ones I'm willing to admit.

Any of you turning into your mother? Let me know and make my day! ;)


ThursdayNext said...

This post is hysterical! I am turning into my mother because I keep a baggie of band aids, tissues, and cough drops in my briefcase. :)

Anonymous said...

totally did the salad dressing always drove me insane that my mom had so many friggin salad dressings, 90% that have expired. well, last week my bf was cooking dinner, and i came home and he goes "umm..i had to throw out a bunch of salad dressings, they were expired" my response "oh god, just like my mom"

OldLady Of The Hills said...

LOL, LOL...Oh yes!!! The most frightening thing is I pass by a mirro and quickly glance over at the image I see and there she is..!!! How did that happen? I didn't use to look that much like her....?
I've got a few of those old bottles of Salad Dressing, myself....! Scary, isn't it....there probably left over from yur refridgerator....HA.

Slim said...

Quite honestly, I don't have a whole lot of my mom's quirks (perhaps I'm in denial). But I have become the penny pincher that she was. I'm like a blood hound, I can smell out a good deal. And btw, I have those napkins in my glove box, and they DO come in handy!

shpprgrl said...

I am her. I not only stuff napkins, I carry a roll of paper towels. (Among many other things!)

Very funny!

Slim said...

I'll have you know that I thought of you today as I channeled my mother while telling The Boy "You better Wipe that grin off your face!"


John said...

It's funny you should ask. Just today I cleaned out my freezer and emptied out a couple of Ziploc's and said (out loud), "These are perfectly fine, I can use them again!"

And the salad dressing? Same thing. It's obvious to me that dressing should come in smaller bottles.

The scary thing...I'm a GUY and I'm becoming my mother!! :)

Anonymous said...

lmao. god, turning into my mother is my absolute worst nightmare. but i see myself starting to already and it terrifies me.

afromabq said...

my sister and i threw out at least 6 bottles of dressing out of my moms fridge a few weeks ago. 2003!!! who keeps bottles from 2003????

as for me, i hate that i spill on the front of my shirt just about every time i eat....just like my mom! ugggghhhhh!

twobuyfour said...

Delightful post! I don't know whether to congratulate you or offer consolation though. So I'll offer commiseration instead.

I'm not turning in to my mother, but damnit if I haven't started becoming my father. I love the guy but have no desire to be him. Recently Slim and I got ready to go out and as a last-minute impulse I asked her if my ensemble looked dorky. Her response was that it did, indeed. And she wasn't going to say anything if I hadn't asked!

My father has to constantly ask my mother "Does this match? Is this okay?"

I don't want to be that guy.

Anonymous said...

Steph, I did turn into my mother once. It was at Thanksgiving and she was carring a big bowl of tuperware lids stuffed into old zip locks. I was looking down for a coupon for salad dressing the I just knoew was in the fridge.

I turned toward the fridge and are right...I turned right into her. A soft little bump....but it happend! How weird you should mention it. Cool!

Thanks for joining me in being John's blog buddy....
