Thursday, April 28, 2005

HA! He Deserves It....

So there's this guy I work with, who I actually used to date. "Date" is a relative term for something that was off and on for about a year in which I pretty much got thrashed. Anyway, I drive a little VW Cabrio and he drives a really big Yukon and in a weak attempt to continue to flirt with me, he often times will drive right up to my car so he's pressed up against my front bumper. He's done it so often that I came out last week to find my front license plate hanging from one screw looking really pathetic.
Well, my office keeps records of everyone's license plates and I got a call from the receptionist this morning saying that someone called in that a truck was practically on top of my car and they were concerned. They also knew who the truck belonged to. Not only that, there are e-mails flying all over my office about how his car is on top of mine and how it's not the first time he's done it - it's like a scandal! HA!! The best part is he's in upper management and this does not look good for him. Why am I secretly tickled by this? :)

In a funny postscript to this story...someone at my office, who I don't even know, took a digital picture of his car on mine and it got around to about five people before it hit my inbox. Which changes the focus of this post for me from "He Deserves It" to "Co-workers - Get a Life!"

1 comment:

Charlie Mc said...

some people are just pathetic! :)