Friday, April 08, 2005

Parrot Head Mission Accomplished!

I did it! I got through a Jimmy Buffet concert pretty much unscathed (See "Parrot Head Reunion" below)! I'm still planning on catching the concert at Wrigley Field in September, but I was surprised yesterday with tickets to see him at the Arrowhead Pond where my company has a private box. I've gotten to use the box many times, but never for something as fun as this. And it was a success - I didn't lose a thing, no beer in my face, no falling down a flight of stairs, and my car was intact when I got back to the parking lot! The only tiny little mishap was I accidentally spilled an entire apple martini on one of the VP's, but luckily we're friends and it was just funny. I'm back on the bird! :)

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